BACCH | Press

Breakout, breakthrough, groundbreaking… we’re not sure what it is, but BACCH has a habit of shattering expectations.

But don’t just take that from us.


Without BACCH, something that can only be described as “a sense of occasion” is missing.
— Andrew Quint, December 2022 issue of The Absolute Sound.

The experience is somewhere between witnessing a futuristic music technology and being at a magic show.
— Matthias Boede, Editor-in-Chief, Stereo Magazine (Germany), October 2022 Issue

As the orchestra begins to play… the clarinets kick in. I’m able to pinpoint each and every one of them spatially. My mouth drops. It’s not just that the violins are to my center left but that behind them I can hear the harpsichord... The sections are so precisely located, I feel like I could get up and walk between them.... As solutions go, this one seems pretty ultimate.
— Warren Singh-Barlett, Bespoke Magazine

The room transformed into an intimate live music venue and the soundscape was vivid. If only for a few split seconds, my brain was tricked into believing the performance was actually live, and not recorded.
— Mona Lalwani, The Verge

I heard a spatial presentation that was indistinguishable from real life…This is truly a breakthrough technology.
— Robert Harley, Editor-in-Chief, The Absolute Sound
This is no hat trick; it’s true 3-D audio that can literally put a whisper in your ear.
— Alan Taffel, The Absolute Sound

My experience, ears, judgment, and research convince me that Edgar Choueiri’s 3-D audio algorithms and playback system represent a dramatic improvement in the spatial realism and virtual sound-staging of stereo.
— Hal Espen, The Atlantic

I was treated to a demonstration in Professor Choueiri’s lab in Princeton, so I can tell you it really works. The professor played a variety of commercial classical and rock recordings. The sound spread to the full width of the room, and projected sound forward. Professor Choueiri’s 3D claim is no hype; Pure Stereo sounds amazing.
— Steve Guttenberg, CNET

The BACCH-SP, a digital-audio processor introduced earlier this year, re-creates sonic landscapes with uncanny realism. Throw some jazz on your home stereo, and you’ll hear each musician from exactly where they stood when the performance was captured.
— Michael Hsu, The Wall Street Journal

I’m here to say that if/when people hear [BACCH 3D], they will be BLOWN AWAY.
— Michael Lavorgna, AudioStream
the BACCH4Mac 3D Audio Playback System is ground-breaking technology…BACCH 3-D breaks more ground that any digital technology I’ve encountered.
— Michael Lavorgna, AudioStream

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